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PLLA Dermal FIller Poly-L-lactic Acid 150mg Sculptra
PLLA Dermal FIller Poly-L-lactic Acid 150mg Sculptra
PLLA Dermal FIller Poly-L-lactic Acid 150mg Sculptra

PLLA Dermal FIller Poly-L-lactic Acid 150mg Sculptra

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PLLA injections are a natural way to restore lost facial collagen. It contains poly-L-lactic acid, or PLLA, a substance that belongs to the alpha-hydroxy acid group. Poly-L-lactic acid is a synthetic polymer, and has been used for years in absorbable surgical sutures or stitches.

PLLA FIler functions as a facial filler either for cosmetic reasons or for medical purposes to restore and correct the signs of facial loss in patients including those diagnosed with HIV. Poly-L-lactic acid is a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer. The Filler exist in the form of Powder contained vial, which must be reconstituted before use by adding 5ml of sterile water for the injection, forming a sterile non-pyrogenic suspension.